
February 17, 2013

It's all about Food....

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to take the time to talk about a subject everyone loves to talk about- food.  When creating a menu for an event every person wants to do something different.  I recently came across an ice cream station as part of a dessert menu at an event. This got me thinking about how many other things can be made into a station or a buffet that will make your guests wanting more.

One great idea is a mashed potatoes station at cocktail hour.  Not only can you have different types of potatoes (purple, sweet and white) but you can also have loads of toppings for them like cheddar cheese, sour cream, chili, and steamed broccoli.  You can even create toppings that go with your theme i.e., if you are having a Halloween themed wedding you can have black olives and shredded orange carrots as toppings.

Another food that is a great station item is a mini pie station.   Some great savory pies include zucchini, pizza, veggie, and spinach and cheese.  Pies can also be sweet and can include things like sweet potato, apple cinnamon, and pecan.  Again you can also customize a spread that goes with your theme.  If we wanted to create pies for our Halloween theme from above then we can have pumpkin and sweet potato pies.

Yet another food (or beverage in this case) that makes a great station is a smoothie station.  This can be presented during your cocktail or dessert as shooters. Recipes include any of your favorite fruits and vegetables.  For green smoothies you can use vegetables like carrots, celery, and spinach blended with one or two fruits.  You can be as creative as you want with this station and come up with all kinds of creations!

The fun thing about some of these stations is that you can customize them even further to match your theme or décor by adding a backdrop or flowers on the station.  This way it becomes part of the décor creating a more unified experience for your guests.

Now that we are all hungry, I think I’m going to go try one of these for myself… ;)