
April 11, 2013

Unique Tables

I recently went to a tradeshow in where they had a table top contest.  I saw some really great ideas and it got me thinking about how many different ways a table can be set.  One great setting I saw at the show one year looked like there was an impromptu dinner taking place in the middle of a construction zone.  Paint cans were used as seats, there was paint splatter on the tables and they used paint brushes and tape as centerpieces.  Depending on the style of the couple a table can be classic, modern, natural, or fun.  Here are some of my favorites:

A Japanese style setting uses very low seating as if you were sitting on the floor.  You can use bamboo on the tables and have cherry blossoms as the floral element.  China can be square to match the square tables and if you want you can even add in a water element to create an overall experience for your guests. 

A fun style setting can use packing bubbles on the floor underneath guests’ chairs.  The playfulness of guests’ feet popping the bubbles is a great ice breaker.  Adding a mad libs pad on tables keeps your guests entertained during the party. Using many colors in the color palette implements a visual connection with your guests.

Thinking outside of the box is key to creating unique table settings for your event.  Once you get one idea in your hands you can expand on it and go from there.  The ideas and themes are endless.